Judge D. Hunt, Judge M. Bennouna and Judge P. Robinson will take the oath on Monday 16 November 1998.
CTY’s Chambers better staffed than ever with 14 sitting Judges
Composition of Chambers and division of cases to be announced shortly
Following their election on 16 October by the United Nations General Assembly as Judges to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Mr. David HUNT (Australia), Mr. Mohamed BENNOUNA (Morocco) and Mr. Patrick ROBINSON (Jamaica) will take the oath on Monday 16 November 1998.
This swearing-in ceremony will mark the beginning of their three-year term of office, due to expire alongside the terms of office of the existing 11 Judges on 16 November 2001.
As of next Monday, the ICTY’s judiciary will be stronger than ever, with 14 sitting Judges divided into three Trial Chambers (three Judges in each) and one Appeals Chamber (five Judges).
The additional judiciary support was requested earlier this year by the ICTY President, Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, who addressed the Security Council on 12 February. The President pointed out that an adequately staffed judiciary was required in order to ensure trials are both expeditious and fair, which the accused are entitled to expect, and to enable the Tribunal to properly and effectively conduct an increased number of proceedings at the same time. She emphasized that any failure by the Tribunal to carry out its mission in a timely manner would undermine the standards of due process and jeopardize the goal of bringing peace through justice.
The new composition of the Chambers and the division of cases between them will be determined in the course of next week.
The swearing-in ceremony for Judge HUNT, Judge BENNOUNA and Judge ROBINSON will be held at the Tribunal at 2 p.m. and will last approximately one hour.
The ceremony will be conducted by Mr. Ralph Zacklin, Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The ICTY President, Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, will also address the new Judges and the participants.
A photo opportunity of the three new Judges will take place between 1.30 p.m. and 1.45 p.m. on Monday in the Tribunal’s lobby.
Six seats have been reserved for media representatives to attend the ceremony, they will be allocated on a pool basis as follows: two TV crews, one photographer and three reporters.
If you wish to attend either the photo opportunity or the ceremony, please contact Jill Shipway at the PIU, +31 (0)70.416. 53.56.