Media Accreditation now open for the Appeals Judgement in the case of Nikola Šainović and others

The Appeals Chamber Judgement in the case of Nikola Šainović, Nebojša Pavković, Sreten Lukić, and Vladimir Lazarević, four former high-ranking Yugoslav and Serbian political, military and police officials convicted by the Trial Chamber in 2009 for crimes committed against Kosovo Albanians in 1999, has been scheduled for 23 January at 9:30 am in courtroom III.
On 26 February 2009, former Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Šainović, Yugoslav Army (VJ) General Nebojša Pavković, and Serbian police General Sreten Lukić were each sentenced to 22 years’ imprisonment for crimes against humanity and violation of the laws or customs of war.
Yugoslav Army General, Vladimir Lazarević, and Chief of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army, Dragoljub Ojdanić, were found guilty of aiding and abetting the commission of a number of charges of deportation and forcible transfer of the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo and each sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.
Milan Milutinović, the former President of Serbia, was acquitted of all charges.
The Prosecution filed its notice of appeal in respect of all of the defendants except Milutinoviċ on 27 May 2009. On the same day, all Defence teams filed their initial notices of appeal. On 28 January 2013, Dragoljub Ojdanić withdrew his appeal and on the same day the Prosecution also withdrew its appeal in relation to Ojdanić. Subsequently, the Appeals Chamber declared appellate proceedings in relation to Ojdanić concluded.
This Trial Chamber Judgement was the first handed down by the Tribunal for crimes perpetrated by Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and Serbian forces against Kosovo Albanians during the 1999 conflict in Kosovo.
Journalists wishing to cover the hearing should send an email to press [at] by 21 January, 2:00 pm.
The email should contain the name of the media outlet as well as the full name, passport number and contact details of all journalists and AV technicians coming to the Tribunal.
Other members of the public wishing to attend the hearing should send an email to kralt.icty [at] for more information on the procedure and the available space.
The Judgement will be broadcast live on the Tribunal’s website
The Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, Magdalena Spalińska, can be reached on +31 (0)6 5127 1242 or +31(0)70 512 5066 and spalinska [at]
For further information please call the Media Office at +31 (70) 512-8752 or -5343 or -5356.