Today, 1 June 2017, the Association of Defence Counsel practicing before the ICTY (ADC-ICTY) officially changes its name to “Association of Defence Counsel practicing before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT)”.
After nearly 15 years of existence, the General Assembly of the ADC-ICTY in December 2016 unanimously voted in favour of adopting the name change of the Association in light of the impending closure of the Tribunal. The Registrar John Hocking officially recognised the ADC-ICTY under its new name on 22 May this year, pursuant to the ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
The name change reflects the expanded role of the Association to represent counsel before the MICT, while also remaining the recognised Association for the ICTY in its final months. All agreements and obligations between the ADC-ICTY, or any of its members, and the ICTY, continue under the new name, and the membership and nature of the association will remain the same.
The ADC-ICTY was established in 2002 at the initiation of the ICTY Judges, to represent Defence Counsel practicing before the ICTY. It is an independent professional association but has been recognised by the Registrar as the organisation representing Defence Counsel at the ICTY and subsequently at the MICT, in accordance with the respective Rules of Procedure and Evidence.